Online Privacy Policy


UPTM is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how (“this Web Site”) collects, uses and discloses personal data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”). This Policy also forms part of this Web Site’s Terms of Use


When using this Web Site, you may disclose or be asked to provide personal information, billing information and/or its data. Such information is require in order for you to have full benefit of the various services provided on this Web Site. Although you are not obliged to provide their personal information and/or data as requested on the Website, UPTM will not be able to render certain services on the Website that depends on the personal information and/or data in the event that you do not provide the said information and/or data.

UPTM’s purpose of collecting the information and data on this Web Site include the following:

  • To assist you to find the product they looking for.
  • To handle and follow up on your enquiries and complaints.
  • To complete the payment transaction that you choose to purchase.
  • To deliver the products you have purchased.
  • To update on the delivery status of the products.


UPTM collects only the personal information that you choose to submit to us. Such identifiable information may include:

  • Name,
  • Contact Number,
  • Email Address,
  • Delivery Address,
  • Company Name,
  • Company Address.


Only authorised UPTM’s staff will be permitted to access such your personal information and data. UPTM take all practicable steps to keep all your personal information and data confidential and/or undisclosed, and will only disclose or transfer such information and data in accordance with this Statement. UPTM will only disclose and/or transfer your personal information and/or data to UPTM partners or affiliates who have made specific requests for such information and/or data, and will only do so with your prior consent. However, UPTM may disclose and/or transfer such personal information and/or data to third parties without your prior consent under the following circumstances:

  • where the information and/or data is to be disclosed and/or transferred to any third party suppliers or service providers who have been duly authorized by UPTM to use such information and/or data and who will facilitate the services on this Web Site;
  • where the information and/or data is to be disclosed and/or transferred to any agents, affiliates or associates of UPTM who have been duly authorized by UPTM to use such information and/or data; where such disclosure and/or transfer is necessary for UPTM to protect and defend its rights and property;
  • where UPTM considers such disclosure and/or transfer necessary in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation compliance with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on UPTM

By using this Web Site, you are deemed to have agreed, to consent and to authorize the disclosure and/or transfer of their personal information and data by UPTM in the circumstances stated above.


We strongly believe in protecting your Personal Information. We will ensure that all reasonable security arrangements are in place to prevent any unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal of your Personal Information.

Regarding sensitive information, such as credit card numbers entered on UPTM’s payment forms, UPTM encrypts such information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). UPTM also uses a third party service provider to facilitate these electronic transactions on this Web Site.


We may revise our Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically and be kept up to date on how we protect your Personal Information/ data.


If you have any queries, comment, concern or feedback relating to your personal information and/or data, or on our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us or our Data Protection Officer the following details:

Name: Alex


Postal Address: 21 Woodlands Close #02-10 Primz Bizhub Singapore 737854

Telephone Number: +65 9729 8596

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